AI and ChatGPT: The Key to Being Layoff-Proof and Building a Successful Online Business

2 min readJan 23, 2023

Learn how to use AI and ChatGPT to build a successful online business and be layoff-proof. Unlock your potential and make money online with these powerful tools.

AI and ChatGPT: The Key to Being Layoff-Proof and Building a Successful Online Business
Photo by Joshua Mayo on Unsplash

Here are 10 Side Hustles You Can Start Using AI with Potential Earnings:

1. Social Media Management: If you have experience with social media and enjoy creating content, you can start offering social media management services to businesses. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

2. Graphic Design: If you have graphic design skills, you can start offering freelance design services such as logo design, brochure design, and infographics. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

3. Virtual Assistant: AI is quickly becoming a tool for virtual assistants to provide better customer service and complete tasks quickly and efficiently. Potential Earnings: $15 — $100/hr.

4. Chatbot Development: You can use AI to create custom chatbots for businesses and organizations. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

5. Online Course Creation: Use AI to create courses on any subject without needing to put in any extra effort. Potential Earnings: $75 — $400/hr.

6. Blockchain Development: AI can be used to create powerful and secure blockchain solutions for businesses. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

7. Voice Apps Development: AI can be used to create voice apps for Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

8. Data Analysis: Use AI to analyze data from various sources to produce insights for businesses. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr.

9. Content Creation: AI-powered tools can help you create unique and engaging content quickly and efficiently. Potential Earnings: $25 — $75/hr.

10. Predictive Analytics: AI can be used to create predictive models, helping businesses make decisions based on real-time data. Potential Earnings: $50 — $200/hr

It’s important to note that the earning potential is not guaranteed and it will depend on how much effort and time you put into your side hustle, and how well you market and promote your services.

